The Fantastic Four is an internationally-renowned group of superhuman champions. Each of the characters has a special ability:
Mister Fantastic has the ability to shift his body (or portions of same) into a super-malleable state, enabling him to stretch, contract, deform, expand, elongate, compress or otherwise reshape his physical form at his will .
Susan Storm possesses the ability to bend light and ultimately become invisible (wholly or partially) at will. She also has telekinetic powers and the ability to project force energyfrom her body.
The Human Torch can manipulate fire. He usually allows his entire body to be engulfed in flames considering his body can sustain the highest levels of heat. Another ability of his is flight, which players can use in the game.
The Thing is incredibly strong and has an exterior stronger than diamonds. Ben Grimmcan carry heavy objects with ease, as players will find out while playing as this character.
The game includes a number of villains and characters not featured in the movie, many of whom are based on their Ultimate Universe versions.
Ioan Gruffudd, Jessica Alba, Michael Chiklis, Chris Evans and Julian McMahon reprise their roles for the game.
The format of the game is similar to arcade game such as Golden Axe, Final Fight or Streets of Rage. As the player controls the superheroes through the various levels, groups of thugs, robots and mutants will appear on each screen and need to be destroyed before the player can advance. Each character has various short-range fighting moves (i.e. punching, kicking, jumping, and even tossing enemies into the back or foreground) that can be used to destroy the various minor enemies and the bosses. Some of these minor enemies will leave behind icons that give the player an extra life, or restore their health or superpower energy bar.
Each character has a circular "super power" energy bar; this allows the use various special fighting moves. At the end of each level there is a supervillain to defeat, i.e. Mole Man, Super-Skrull, Attuma, Sub-Mariner, Psycho-Man, Doctor Doom. After the defeat of the boss, without the loss of any player life, there is one of three bonus rounds. The fights here are set against Dragon Man, the Incredible Hulk, or Iceman. During the loading time between each level the player is able to play a mini-car racing game.
During the game (or when there is a loss a life) the player can switch between any of the superheroes (not already being played), and announcer's voice-over tells which character is chosen. Some of the major bosses will also speak briefly before they fight or are defeated; this is affected by the choice of player.
If you use the same move too many times, a "cheesy" icon appears but otherwise has no impact on the game.
Each level has a title to it, and three sub-stages to it. Most of the sub-stages have a sub-boss to defeat, often a large monster, with the supervillains appearing at the end of the third stage.
Level One "Attack of the Molemen!" - Boss is the Mole Man.
Level Two "Subatomic Nightmare" - Boss is the Psycho-Man.
Level Three "The Last Days of Skrull World" - Boss is the Super-Skrull.
Level Four "Atlantean Attack?" - Bosses are Namor and Attuma.
Level Five "Is the World Doomed?" - Boss is Doctor Doom.
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