

Release Date:December 3, 2010 (Limited)
On DVD:March 29, 2011
Genre:Suspense, Drama
Director:Darren Aronofsky
Writer:Mark Heyman, John McLaughlin
Cast:Natalie Portman, Mila Kunis, Vincent Cassel, Winona Ryder, Barbara Hershey, Sebastian Stan, Kristina Anapau
Studio:Fox Searchlight Pictures
Running Time:103 minutes
MPAA Rating:Rated R for strong sexual content, disturbing violent images, language and some drug use.

A supernatural thriller set in the world of New York City ballet. "Black Swan" centers on a veteran ballerina (Portman) who finds herself locked in a competitive situation with a rival dancer, with the stakes and twists increasing as the dancers approach a big performance. But it's unclear whether the rival is a supernatural apparition or if the protagonist is simply having delusions....

At last! I watched the Black Swan! I've read so many reviews on Black Swan and I've always wanted to watch. All the reviews said that it is good and it should win Best Picture in Academy Award but I beg to differ. Black Swan is good but Natalie Portman makes it excellent. So after watching the movie, I dare say that Natalie Portman is nonchalant when it comes to the Academy Award Best Actress spot. After finish watching the movie, me and Jas came out quite disappointed. It feels incomplete. The movie is all about Nina Sayers and nothing else. It's all about her.
Here's the annoying part. I don't even know if she died in the end. I'm still confuse on whether do Lily really exist or Lily is just an imaginary individual that Nina created to challenge herself. There were many questions left unanswered. Nina's mom, Erica (Barbara Hershey) is creepy. Sometimes it makes me wonder if she is real as well. I know sometimes it is fun to just let the audience write their own answers in the blanks but there were too many blanks to be filled in this movie. When you have too much of something, it becomes annoying.

Well, the best element in the movie is the acting of Natalie Portman. She is perfect. Her portrayal of Nina Sayers is excellent. She always have that paranoid look on her face. Her insecureness of her life is all drawn on the face. I simply love her performance. Her acting outdo everyone and everything in the movie. My attention was all drawn towards her facial expression and her acting. 

To be cruel, in overall, i think the movie it is confusing, unsatisfying and disturbing but Natalie Portman's electrifying and astonishing performance make the movie worth watching. Well, I can't expect too much from all movies. Some movies have good plot but in this movie, it has great acting. So Black Swan is just slightly above average.

I think it is a 3.5/5 movie.

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