

In 1983 Los Alamos, New Mexico, an ambulance was rushing a critcally injured man to the hospital. At the hospital, a police detective (Elias Koteas) entered the hospital room of the injured man and tried to interrogate him about the recent murder of a teenager for which he was the prime suspect. He placed a note pad and a pen next to the patient. The detective then left the room to take an urgent call from the desk nurse. While he was on the phone, he heard a scream. The detective rushed into the room and looked out the window. The injured man fell out of the window and died. He then looked at his note pad and saw a scribbled note by the injured man, "I'm sorry Abby".

The movie then went back two weeks earlier, Owen (Kodi Smit-McPhee) was a lonely 12-year-old boy, who stayed with his mom in an apartment. His parents were in the state of divorcing and he was always the target of bullies at school. Owen spent most of his time in his room, spying on his neighbors. One night, while spying, he saw a girl and her father moving in to the apartment next to his. 

The next day at school, he was bullied at school and he peed on his pants. That evening, we bought a blade and imagined revenge on the bullies by stabbing the tree. While he was fantasizing hurting the bullies, the girl who moved into the apartment next door approached him. She told Owen that they couldn't be friends. Owen was offended and he replied that he didn't want to be her friends.

That night, the girl's "father", Thomas (Richard Jenkins), went out to kill a teenager to in order to get blood for her but he accidentally spilled the blood and returned home empty handed. She was furious when she found out about it.  Owen could hear the commotion at her house. As her thirst for blood grew, she left the apartment and fed on a jogger whom she tricked into helping her.

One evening, while Owen was out at the monkey bar figuring out his Rubix cube, the girl approached him again and ask him what's that he was playing. Owen explained it to her and conveniently ask for her name. She told him that her name is Abby (Chlo?Grace Moretz). He then asked her how old is she. She answered him 12 years old "more or less." Owen found her answer weird and asked for her birthday but Abby didn't know her birthday at all.  Abby and Owen eventually grew closer and fonder to each other. They would meet each other in the courtyard every other night. They also communicated through the walls of their apartments by using Morse code. One day, while at school, the main bully, Kenny (Dylan Minnette), wounded Owen with an antenna rod. Owen told Abby about it and she told him to fight back and defend himself. She also offered to help him.

On a separate night, Abby came home after meeting up with Owen. Thomas told her not to see Owen anymore as he packed his stuff to prepare for his killing later that night. He left the house and preyed on a high school student. He hid in the back seat of a high school student抯 car. Suddenly, the car was flagged down by a friend of the driver. He quietly hid there until the car stopped at a petrol station.  When the driver went down of the car to pay for the petrol, his friends reached out to the back seat to get his bag. He saw Thomas and as he tried to flee from the car, Thomas attacked him. Thomas drove the car and tried to escape but his escape plan was discovered by the driver.  The driver chase after the car. The  panic Thomas crashed the car and got trapped inside. As the driver and his friends were approaching the car, Thomas poured acid on his face so that nobody could recognised him.  He was taken to the hospital. Abby heard the new from the radio and went to the hospital. She told the nurse that Thomas was her father and asked for Thomas whereabouts and condition.  She then climbed up the hospital to the window of Thomas room. She saw him horribly disfigured and beyond recognisable. Thomas opened the window and leaned forward to offer his throat to Abby. She fed on his blood. Thomas then fell to his death. Abby was saddened by the death of Thomas. She went to find Owen for emotional comfort.

The next day, the school had an outing to a local frozen pond in a park, Owen was greeted by Kenny in a nice way. While everyone was playing ice hockey, Owen picked up a metal pole to protect himself. Kenny and his friends approached him and threatened to push him into an ice hole. Kenny asked Owen to hand him the pole but Owen refused.  Kenny tried to assult him but Owen hit him with the pole, splitting his ear. Kenny screamed in pain, the teacher saw the whole incident and was heading for them but at the same time, he heard another scream from the other students. He was distracted and he headed to the latter scream instead. The second scream was because they saw frozen dead body hidden under the ice. The police came and took the body out from the frozen pond. Owen almost got suspended for hitting Kenny but the principal decided to give an a chance, based on his good conduct at school.

Later that night, he took Abby to an abandoned place to celebrate his brave attempt in standing up for himself against Kenny. He cut his finger to make a blood pact with her. Upon seeing blood dripping on the floor, Abby went to the ground; she licked it up. Owen was startled by what he saw. Instead of attacking Owen, Abby ran away and attacked a woman who lived in the neighbourhood. Owen then confronted Abby at her apartment and Abby told him that she was a vampire. Owen also found out that Thomas was not her father. He was a boy whom she met many years ago. She also confessed that she had been 12 for many years. Meanwhile at the hospital, the husband of the lady saw the whole incident and describe the attacker to the police detective. The police detective supected that Abby was the one who attacked the lady. While her husband was outside giving his statement to the detective, the lady transformed into a vampire and fed on her own blood. A nurse went into the room and drew the curtains, the daylight shone onto the lady and she burst into flames instantly, killing them both.

One night, while Owen's mother was away. Owen opened the door for her but she insisted that he should invite her in. He asked her why and told her that nothing was stopping her from entering, so she entered without an invitation. She stood at the living area and started fidgeting. Soon, she started to bleed. Owen was horrified to see her condition. He voiced out and invited her into his house. He hugged Abby. Abby then told Owen that she didn't know why but she would end up in that condition if she wasn't invited into the house. The next morning, the detective went to Abby's apartment. He broke into the house.  He found a note on the floor that Abby left for Owen. In the note, it was stated that she would be in the bathroom. He entered the bathroom and saw Abby sleeping in the bathtub. He peeled open the paper covering the window and the sunlight burned Abby's leg, waking her up. Owen who was in the house, called for him and scared him.  The detective was then attacked by Abby from behind. Abby bit the detective. The detective asked Owen to help him but Owen closed the bathroom door, leaving Abby to feed on him. Later, Abby was seen leaving in a taxi. Owen cried.

One day, during swimming lesson in the pool, Kenny's older brother, Jimmy (Brett DelBuono), and their friends started a fire outside to distract the teacher. They then locked up the place and demanded everyone to clear out the swimming pool. Jimmy threw Owen into the pool and told Owen that if he could held his breath underwater for three minutes, then he would only cut his cheek; if he couldn't, he would poke his eye out. When Owen was held underwater, he heard sound of breaking glasses. He then heard scream and there were blood in the pool. He quickly swam upwards to breathe. While he was still panting, trying to catch his breath, a pair of legs walked towards him. All the bullies were killed.

Later, Owen boarded the train with a trunk with him. Owen tapped Morse code on the trunk to communicate with the person in it. It wasn't revealed to the audience but clearly, it was Abby in the trunk

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